Updated on 24 November 2023




2023 Burma/Myanmar: Elections promised by military leader (1 August 2021).

2023 Libya: Election of 200-seat House of Representatives (2 January 2023).

2023 Sudan: Military to exit politics following elections according to Commander in Chief of Armed Forces Abdel Fattah al-Burhan (4 December 2021).

2023 Switzerland: Candidacy for non-permanent membership of UN Security Council (UNSC) for 2023-2024 (Declared on 12 January 2011).




1 Nov. United Nations (UN): China assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.

2 Nov. China:  Conclusion of the 4th session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National Committee of he Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in Beijing.

6-10 Nov. Pacific Islands Forum (PIF): 52nd Leaders Meeting hosted by the Cook Islands in Rarotonga (2 May 2023).

11-17 Nov. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): Annual conference on "Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All," Moscone Center, San Francisco CA.

14-15 Nov. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): Ministerial Meeting, Moscone Center, San Francisco CA.

15 Nov. International: Meeting of State Chairman of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping and US President Joseph R. Biden, San Francisco CA.

16-17 Nov. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): Economic Leaders' Meeting, Moscone Center, San Francisco CA.

13-17 Nov. United Nations (UN): Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in New York NY USA.

15 Nov. Palestine: Summit meeting of spouses of Palestinian leaders, hosted by the spouse of Turkey's president, in the Presidential Dolmabahçe Office in Ankara (14 November 2023).

21 Nov. Brazil, India, China, Russia and South Africa (BRICS) States: BRICS Extraordiunary Joint Meeting held virtually by the South Africa President to exchange views on the situation in Gaza.

22 Nov. Group of Twenty (G20): Extraordinary Summit videoconference chaired by India to discuss global economy, and climate.

27 Nov.-1 Dec. United Nations (UN): Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons 2nd Meeting in New York NY USA.

28-29 Nov. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): North Atlantic Council (NAC) meeting of member state Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Brussels (23 October 2023).

30 Nov.- Dec. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE): Ministerial Council meeting in Skopje (3 November 2023).

30 Nov.-12 Dec. United Nations (UN): UN Conference of Parties on Climate Change (COP28) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) (12 January 2023).



7 Nov. India: 1st phase of election of 90-seat Legislative Assembly of Chhattisgarh State.

7 Nov India: Election of 40-seat Legislative Assembly of Mizoram State.

7-21 Nov. Ethiopia: Government representatives held a second round of unsuccesful peace talks with the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) in Tanzania.

10-12 Nov. East Turkestan: 9th East Turkestan Assembly Session at Hilton Garden Inn, Arlington VA USA (3 October 2023).

15 Nov. Congo (DR): Completion of withdrawal of UN Organization Stabilization Mission (MONUSCO) (24 October 2023).

16  Nov. Madagascar: 1st round of presidential election (changed from 16 November 2023 on 12 October 2023).

17 Nov. India: 2nd phase of election of 90-seat Legislative Assembly of Chhattisgarh State.

17 Nov. India: Election of 230-seat Legislative Assembly of Madhya Pradesh State

18 Nov. Iraq-Kurdistan Region:  Election of 111-seat Kurdistan Parliament (27 March 2023).

19 Nov. Chad: Constitutional referendum.

19 Nov. Switzerland: Partial 2nd round of election of 45 of 46 members of the Council of States.

20 Nov. Federation of Marshall Islands: Election of 33-seat Parliament and referendum on constitutional amendments.

21 Nov.

22 Nov. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Opening  of the hearing of criminal case against the President of the Serb Republic (RS).

23 Nov. Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO): Collective Security Council meeting in Minsk hosted by President of Belarus to review situation.

22 Nov. Netherlands: Election of the 150-seat Second Chamber of the States General (14 July 2023).

25 Nov. India: Election of 200-seat Legislative Assembly of Rajasthan State.

26 Nov. Switzerland: Public referenda.

26 Nov.  Switzerland: Final phase of 2nd round of election of 45 of 46 members of the Council of States.

30 Nov. India: Election of 119-seat Legislative Assembly of Telangana State.




Dec. 2023 International:  Defense ministers from Asian and Pacific countries meet in New Caledonia for a twoday conference at the invitation of the Commander of French Armed Forces in New Caledonia (FANC) (3 October 2023).

1 Dec. United Nations (UN): Ecuador assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.

1 Dec. Group of Twenty (G20): Brazil to assume annual presidency succeeding India.

7 Dec. International: International Democrat Union (IDU) Forum in Washington DC USA (7 August 2023).

11-15 Dec. United Nations (UN): Conference of the States Parties (COSP) to the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), hosted by the US (17 December 2021).

14-15 Dec. European Union (EU): European Council meeting in Brussels (30 July 2023).



3 Dec. Sudan: Mandate of UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission (UNITAMS) ends (UNSC Resolution 2685 of 2 June 2023).

10 Dec. China-Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR): Election of 90-seat Legislative Council.

10-12 Dec. Egypt: Presidential election (25 September 2023).

17 Dec. Chad: Constitutional referendum.

17 Dec. Chile: Referendum on draft Constitution (6 March 2023).

17 Dec. Serbia: Election of 250-seat Serbian Assembly (1 November 2023).

20 Dec. Congo (DR): Election of 500-seat National Assembly (23 May 2023)

20 Dec. Congo (DR): Presidential election.

20 Dec. Madagascar: 2nd round of presidential election.

31 Dec. Syria: UN mandate for the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the Golan Heights ends (UNSC Resolution 2689 of 29 June 2023).



2024 Commonwealth of Nations: Heads of Government Meeting to be held in Samoa, first hosting by a Pacific member (26 June 2022).

2024 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): Russia to assume rotational chairmanship (12 October 2023).

2024 International: 9th Our Ocean Conference, hosted by Greece.

2024 International: Afghanistan-USA security assistance treaty to expire.

31 Jan. Cyprus: UN Mandate for the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) ends (UNSC Resolution 2674 of 30 January 2023).




2024 Burkina Faso: Promised elections cancelled (20 October 2023).

2024 El Salvador: Presidential election.

2024  Ghana: Presidential election (5 November 2023).

2024 Indonesia: Presidential election.

2024 Namibia: Election of 96 of 104 members of National Assembly.

2024 Namibia: Presidential election.

2024 Romania: Presidential election.

2024 Russia: Presidential election.

2024 Rwanda: Election of 80-seat Chamber of Deputies.

2024 Rwanda Presidential election.

2024 Senegal: Presidential election.



Jan. 2024 Finland: Presidential election (8 June 2023).Jan. 2024 Pakistan: Election of 342-seat National Assembly (Rescheduled from October 2023 to last week of January 2024 on  21  September 2023).

1 Jan. United Nations (UN): France assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.

1 Jan. Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO): Kazakhstan assumes annual presidency, succeeding Belarus.

7 Jan. Bangladesh: Election of 300-seat National Parliament (15 November 2023).

13 Jan. Taiwan (ROC): Presidential election.

15 Jan United States of America (USA): First-in-the-nation Iowa presidential caucus of the Republican Party  will be held (8 July 2023).

19 Jan. United States of America (USA): First of two continuing appropriations for 2024 expires (17 November 2023).




Feb. 2024 Mali: Scheduled presidential election was postponed indefinitely for "technical reasons"  on 25 September 2023.

1 Feb. United Nations (UN): Guyana assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.

2 Feb. United States of America (USA): Second of two continuing appropriations for 2024 expires (17 November 2023).

8 Feb. Pakistan: Election of 342-seat National Assembly (Rescheduled on 2 November 2023 after rescheduling from October 2023 to last week of January 2024 on  21  September 2023).

9 Feb. United States of America: Beginning of jury selection in federal criminal trial of ex-President Donald J. Trump of seeking to subvert 2020 election results (5 November 2023).

24-25 Feb. Italy: Forward Italy (Forza Italia (FI) Congress to elect successor to deceased President (Tentative, 3 August 2023).

25 Feb. Cambodia: Election of 62-seat Senate.



1 Mar. United Nations (UN): Japan assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.

4 Mar. United States of America: Opening of trial in Federal District Court in Washington DC of ex-President Donald J. Trump charged of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election.

10 Mar. Portugal: Election of the 230-seat Assembly of the Republic (9 November 2023).

25 Mar. United States of America: Opening of trial in New York State Court in Manhattan of ex-President Donald J. Trump charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to money paid to his former lawyer for orchestrating hush money payments during the 2016 campaign to bury allegations of extramarital sexual encounters.




1 Apr. United Nations (UN): Malta assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.United Nations (UN): United States of America assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.




1 May United Nations (UN): Mozambique assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.

6-8 May: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI): 2024 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development on the complex security situation and possible pathways towards a more peacul future, at Münchenbryggeriet, Stockholm.

18 May Mali: Mandate of European Union (EU) Training Mission Mali (EUTM Mali) ends (Extended from 23 March 2020).

20 May United States of America (USA): Opening of trial in Federal District Court in Ft Pierce, Florida, of ex-President Donald J. Trump charged with 37 criminal counts on charges including willful retention of national defense information and conspiracy to obstruct justice.

31 May Iraq: UN mandate for UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) ends (UNSC Resolution 2682 of 30 May 2023).

31 May South Sudan: UN authorizations for arms embargo and travel and financial measures end (UNSC Resolution 2683 of 30 May 2023).





1 June United Nations (UN): Korea (ROK) assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.

2 June Libya: UN authorization for arms embargo on the high seas off the coast of Libya ends (UNSC Resolution 26834 of 2 June 2023).

2 June Mexico: Election of 500-seat Chamber of Deputies.

2 June Mexico: Presidential election.

6-9 June European Union (EU): Election of 705-seat European Parliament in 27 member states.


1 July United Nations (UN): Russia assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.

1 July South Sudan: UN authorization for Panel of Experts ends (UNSC Resolution 2683 of 30 May 2023).

134 July Yemen: UN mandate for UN Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement ends (UNSC Resolution 2691 of 10 July 2023).

15 July Haiti: UN mandate for UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) ends (UNSC Resolution 2692 of 14 July 2023).



Aug. Burma/Myanmar: State of emergency to end.

1 Aug. United Nations (UN): Sierra Leone assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.

31 Aug. Lebanon: UN mandate for UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) ends (UNSC Resolution 2695 of 31 August 2023).



1 Sep. United Nations (UN): Slovenia assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.

17 Sep. Iraq: UN authorization for Special Adviser and Investigative Term ends (UNSC Resolution 2697 of 15 September 2023).

28 Sep. Libya:  UN authorization for searching vessels on the high seas off the coast of Libya suspected of migrant smuggling and human trafficking ends (UNSC Resolution 2698 of 29 September 2023).




1 Oct. United Nations (UN): Switzerland assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.

1 Oct. Haiti: UN mandate for Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission to end (UNSC Resolution 2699 of 2 October 2023).





Nov. 2024 Somalia-Somaliland: Presidential election.

1 Nov. United Nations (UN): United Kingdom assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.

5 Nov. United States of America (USA): Presidential election.




1 Dec. United Nations (UN): United States of America assumes monthly presidency of Security Council.




20 Dec. Congo (DR): Election of 500-seat National Assembly.

20 Dec. Congo (DR): Presidential election.

20 Dec. Madagascar: 2nd round of presidential election.

31 Dec. Somalia: African Union (AU) mandate of the  AU Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) ends.    



2025 International: 10th Our Ocean Conference to be hosted by Korea (ROK) (1 August 2022).

2025 Central African Republic (CAR): Presidential election (27 May 2022).

2025 Côte d'Ivoire: Presidential election.

2025 Singapore: Election of 104-seat Parliament.

2025 Suriname: Presidential election.

2025 Tanzania: Presidential election.

31 Dec. United Nations (UN): UN mandate for the Counterterrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) to operate as special political mission ends (UNSC Resolution 2617 of 30 December 2021).



Aug. 2025 Gabon:  Election of 143-seat National Assembly planned according to the military junta president (13 November 2023).




November 2025 United Nations (UN): 30th Conference of Parties on Climate Change (COP30) in Belém, State of Pará, Brazil (27 May 2023).

25 Nov. Namibia: Election of 42-seat National Council.



2026 Brazil: Presidential election.

2026 Congo (B): General election.

2026 Uganda: Presidential election.

5 Feb. Russia-United States of America: Five-year extension of nuclear arms control treaty New START expires, unless renewed (26 January 2021).



2027 Bougainville Island: Independence target date (7 July 2021).




30 Nov. UN mandate for the 1540 Committee on Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) ends (UNSC Resolution 2663 of 30 November 2023).




Feb. Cyprus: Presidential election.

18 Feb. Nigeria: Presidential election (15 October 2020).



Aug. Palau-USA: Expiration of defense treaty.



2034 Switzerland: Planned decommission of nuclear power plants (25 May 2011).



2040 Bermuda-USA: Expiration of 1941 lease of naval and air bases.



2041 Antarctica: Review of Antarctica Treaty which expires on 23 June 2041.



2042 Brazil: Population to reach 228 million (29 August 2013).



2044 Russia: Expiration of 1995 lease of military base in Gyumri, Armenia (Extended from 25 to 49 years on 20 August 2010).



2050 United Nations (UN): World population over 60 years of age will rise to two billion (Estimated in April 2002).



2063 Tajikistan: Agreement of use of military base at Kulob, Khatlon Province, by Russia expires in 2063 unless renewed. Extended for 49 years after expiration in 2014.


(Date) Date of announcement or reporting.

UNSC United Nations Security Council

Entries added or changed during the current month are shown in bold face.

·         Canceled, delayed, postponed, or suspended.  


Sources: United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) (www.electionguide.org), Inter-Parliamentary Union PARLINE (www.ipu.org), international organizations, national governments and election commissions, Electoral Calendar (www.mherrera.org), IO database.